My Heart to Yours

You are Loved. You are Valued. Be at Peace.


Alive All the Sons and Daughters – YouTube.


So this post is sort of a response to what my friend Anita wrote on her blog  check it out it’s great!  She talks about how we don’t have to fear death and as Christians we have the comfort and hope of eternal life with Jesus in Heaven!  This song by All Sons and Daughters is short, but powerful.  I especially love the second verse….”Your mercy is rising like the sun on the horizon and we’re coming home!  Oh we’re coming home!”  I just can’t help but fell giddy with excitement at the thought of spending ALL ETERNITY with my Lord….the One who saved me from certain death and despair and pain and suffering.  I don’t mean that we won’t have heartache and pain here in this life….but this life is just a whisper compared to forever.  And death….the only death there is for those who love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ is a physical death.  After this life there is more joy and love than we can even dream of right now!!! 

I believe we are living in the last days before the rapture of the church.  Not all of us will have to taste death….won’t that be amazing!?

Listen, I tell you a mystery:  We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed – in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.  For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed….Death has been swallowed up in victory.”

                                                                  1 Corinthians 15:51,52 & 54

I hope this song is encouraging to all who hear it.  Believe that we ARE GOING HOME! 

Love to All

Charissa ❤

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“Bringing Up Girls”

Just a quick note.  I recently started reading the book entitles “Bringing Up Girls” by Dr. James Dobson.  I am only in the second chapter, but found something thought provoking that I wanted to share with anyone who has girls, might have girls in the future or has friends with girls….so pretty much all of us.  Dr. Dobson quotes a columnist named Michelle Malkin in his book and this is what she has to say.

“As a mother of a 4 year old girl and an 8 month old boy, I am increasingly dismayed by the liberal assault on decency, the normalization of promiscuity, and the mainstream media’s role as shameless collaborators…. You would think that it’s normal to dress up in [Little Miss Hooters] outfits at 5 years old, to wear sex bracelets and discuss oral sex at 10, to flash your breasts for the cameras at 15, to get paid for anal sex at 20, to keep Excel spreadsheets of sexual conquests, and to use abortion as birth control until menopause.  When conservative women say promiscuity is degrading and self-destructive, liberals in the media call us prudes.  When liberal women raise their voices, they are praised as ‘passionate.’  When conservative women raise their voices, we are condemned as ‘shrill.’  Be ‘prudes.’  Be ‘rude.’  Be ‘shrill.’  And never, ever feel ashamed for asking out loud, ‘Have you no shame?'”

My intention is not to start a political argument about liberals and conservatives…my intention is to raise awareness about the lives our girls could live without our guidance and protection.  Pray for us as mothers and fathers that we can direct our children to see their worth through the eyes of Jesus.  Pray protection over their eyes, ears and hearts as they grow up in such a corrupted world.  God show your love and grace by miraculously protecting our sweet children from the evils of this world.  And give us as parents courage to stand up and say to the world, “You can NOT have my children.  They belong to Jesus!”

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How Many Sleeps Til Heaven?

Sometimes my four year old surprises me with random questions, but the one she asked me a few days ago sort of caught me off guard.  I have been talking to the kids about Heaven and how wonderful it will be when we get there.  I have been telling them that Jesus is coming back for us someday and that we need to have Jesus in our heart to go to Heaven.  Olivia, our oldest, also loves to know exactly when things are happening.  She is very organized and likes to know what is going on tomorrow, next week….anything.  She is always asking, “How many sleeps until…..?”  You name it she asks about it.  We were doing a puzzle together the other morning when she randomly asked, “How many sleeps until Heaven?”  Surprised, I answered that I had no idea.  I said that it could be one sleep or it could be thousands of sleeps!  She looked at me and said, “I hope it’s only one sleep.  I want to go to Heaven tomorrow!”  I smiled at her and replied, “Me too sweetie.”  When I thought about it afterwards part of me was a little thrown off and was almost sad that she wanted to go to Heaven, but I was immediately reminded by the Holy Spirit that this world is not our permanent home and that we SHOULD LONG FOR HEAVEN!!! 

“But our citizenship is in heaven.  And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.”

                                             – Philippians 3:20-21 NIV-

I do not know the day of the Lord’s return or when my time on this earth may be finished, but I do know that we shouldn’t fear it!  We shouldn’t long to stay here on this earth when our Lord has sacrificed so much for us to be with Him for all eternity…His very LIFE was given so that we could have eternal LIFE with Him!!!  So…..I think I will join with my daughter and start wondering….How many sleeps til Heaven??  Because I really want to go!!  I can’t wait!  Like the verse above says….”we EAGERLY AWAIT a Savior from there!”  I encourage you to examine your hearts and think about if you REALLY want to go to Heaven.  If you are troubled by the thought then I would also encourage you to read your Bible!  Search the Word of God for what He has to say about our eternal home.  I pray that you will find peace and a new excitement and passion for the Lord not only for yourself, but to share it with others! 

Blessings to you Friends….”Til He Returns or Calls Me Home…”

Charissa ❤



Our Olivia


Oh How I Need You

By All Sons and Daughters

This song really lifted my spirits today as my kids are sick and I had no sleep last night. I can’t do anything without Christ, but with Him I can do ALL things…Oh how I need Him!!! Hope someone is encouraged by this song as well today 🙂


Addicted To Turquoise

You are Loved. You are Valued. Be at Peace.

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You are Loved. You are Valued. Be at Peace.

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You are Loved. You are Valued. Be at Peace.

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My Heart to Yours

You are Loved. You are Valued. Be at Peace.